Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why does Good Food = major $$$$?

After I dropped Tyler off at football practice tonight I had about forty-five minutes to kill so I wandered into the grocery store Henry's. As I browsed the aisles i remembered why I loved this store so much! I found whole wheat, whole grain, real fruit inside pop tarts, sweet potato fries ( I'm so over making my own), a chocolate powder drink with protein, veggies and fruits for the girls and many other things!

I love being able to feel like I am going to give my kids good wholesome food. Then I checked out! It cost me almost 100.00 for just a few items. Granted the two protein shakes did cost a lot but Ugh....why does good food have to cost soooo much? Why can't companies make it more affordable for moms to give kids the food they want but healthy?

I want nothing more than to be able to feed my kids organic food, um not going to happen with my budget. So I try to meet in the middle, some whole grains....and some not so whole!! I've decided that I definitely need to go back to Henry's for the protein shakes and the pop tarts, I tried one and they were delicious and my girls eat pop tarts like crazy.

Here's hoping that in the near future healthy food will be more affordable!!


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