Monday, November 30, 2009

Homework at my age??!!

Dear readers,
This will be short and sweet,as I just spent more than five hours answering a mid-term and writing an essay for my Shakespeare class. My fingers are dying! Why do I love school so much???

McKenzie is starting to potty train herself. successful pees in the toilet +1, poops +1....lets hope for some more!!


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Another road trip to Utah....i must be crazy!

Dear Readers,

Yep, you read the title right! We made another road trip up to Utah for Thanksgiving. And listen...officially this will be are LAST road trip to Utah until the girls are older. We almost turned around even before we got to victor ville, which is normally only 45 mins. away but took us about two hours with traffic. Why we left at 12pm the day before thanksgiving is beyond me.

However, Tyler really wanted to go snowboarding with his dad so we gave in and continued the drive, but decided to stay the night near Vegas to break up the trip. We had a great time waling around Vegas and getting dinner. once we got to our hotel we were all exhausted and ready for bed. Aaron bought a room for him and one the kids and another room for me and the other two kids. Well my luck was bad because I got the sick kids, who never slept all night and vomited all over me at 4 am in the morning, forcing me out of bed and calling housekeeping for new bedding. I called Aaron's room and like a good husband traded room with me so that i could go sleep in his room with the sleeping kids.

After two hours of sleep *(for me) we hit the road. The morning drive wasn't that bad even though McKenzie threw up once. Today we are thankful for making our destination!! The food was great, the company even better and I'm about to put the kids to bed and hit the road for a midnight sale at the outlets in Park City!!


Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon Madness!!!

Dear Readers,

My husband bought tickets for New Moon at 12 am this morning! My friends had been trying to get me to buy tickets for awhile but I'm really not an opening night person. I like waiting a week or so and then seeing a movie when it's not so crazy. However, my good friend Jen and I got "roped" into seeing a 9pm showing of Twilight and then the 12 am showing of New Moon with our husbands. Crazy I know!!! We were so tired by the time New Moon rolled around. Jen almost went home since she had to show up to work the next morning for a 8 hr shift as a nurse. Aaron kept on insisting she stay, i said I'd probably go home if I was her but she was a trooper and stayed. Also funny story, when she went to the restroom the women's bathroom was so full the women were going into the men's...with the MEN IN THEM!! The poor men used the urinals while the women used the stalls. She said the men were trying to "cover' their "family jewels" while they went to the bathroom. Hilarious!

As many of you know the movie was great. Even though the book was sooooo much better. I'm glad it finally opened I can stop hearing about twilight, new moon, Rob and Kristen etc soo much. We of course had some crazy fans in the theatre with us. I love those books just as much as anybody else....but (sorry if I offend some) let's get a grip Mom's!!! Sometimes those deep crazy feelings for actors and a movie need to be kept.....well deep!!! That's what dreams are for. We don't need to let the world know that we've lost our minds!!!

One embarrassing moment at dinner. I wore an Edward shirt that my mother bought me. I figured this was the time to wear it. but I did hide it a little with a sweater, though his head was "peeking out". Anyways I ran into a little girl...well probably thirteen with the same shirt!!! I wanted to just die!!!!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

When there's love at home???

Dear Readers,
This afternoon I heard Tyler yelling at one of the girls to stop doing something and it gave me a moment of pause. Is he yelling because I do??? I don't see myself as a yeller in the home but i know I raise my voice. It got me thinking of how i can discipline with love and not anger. This is something I have not mastered and ....frankly don't know if I ever will.

But I'm really going to start trying. I want my crazy, chaodic home to be full of peace! I know with the kids that i have, and my crazy husband that I am hoping for a lot ...but here's to dreams!!!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Really?? Again....MORE BLOOD!!

Dear Readers,

Fighting twins are not fun!!! The crying and whining has many times almost pushed me over the edge. Today was one of those days. I could feel the stress building up in me and the scream wanting to come out. But i was a good mother and I pushed those feelings down and spoke in a calm, soothing, loving but stern voice. Ugh! It takes all the strength I have to not just give a good whack to the bum!!

Daughter McKenzie cut herself this afternoon, right before nap time of course. I still haven't found what she got into but she had blood dripping from five cuts on her left leg and a small cut in the crevice of her left had. If she was a teenager I'd think she was a "cutter". As I cleaned her up and covered her with band aids I wondered what would make her continue to cut herself after the first one? She's done things like this before. I think she has a high pain tolerance and it takes a while for her pain receptors to make it to her brain!

At least I didn't get any blood on me this time!!!


Monday, November 16, 2009

When will I stop feeling run down???

Dear Readers,

What a weekend I had! Aaron and Tyler went out of town for the Steeler's game in Pittsburgh. They defiantly had some great daddy/son time. I stayed back with the girls and thankfully for me, my youngest sister Erica decided to come down for a visit. She was a huge help! I don't know how i do this mothering thing without her!!! I totally get "sister wives"! J/K

Today I was again feeling under the weather. I've really got to up my vitamins or something! I can't afford to not be on my A game with these girls. By the time I dropped them off to school this morning (8:30 am) I was thrashed. Even the preschool teacher noticed.
" You look like you've had some type of crazy morning! Go get a good cup of hot coffee." She said.
In that moment I wished i could get a huge jolt of caffeine because heaven knows I needed it. With a foggy head I forged through my day, doing laundry, writing an essay on Hamlet that was due and dealing with my crazy girls whom I love!

It is now 9:40 pm and as I sip some theraflu for my achy body after picking up Aaron and Tyler from the Los Angles airport, I am thankful to have my husband home so that I can finally get a good night's sleep.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lifes ups and downs...

Dear Readers,
Isn't life just crazy? We never know what it is going to throw at us. We just need to learn to roll with the punches. I listened to a talk the other day on the BYU channel that spoke of this very thing. How especially women we can get upset and depressed over the roller coaster life but how we need to take heart because that is one of the things life is about. Learning how to deal with difficulties.

I know for a fact my challenges only make me better and stronger even though I'd rather not have them! Sometimes this is the only way for us to grow. I often wish life could be easier but I'm thankful for the hard, fun, joyful, crazy life I do have. Every day, even the one's were I lose my mind are a blessing. Thank you Father in Heaven.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Another Crazy Day!

Dear Readers,

Had another crazy day! McKenzie is getting a molar and has been cranky for two days. This morning everything seemed to be going wrong and i found myself yelling at the girls so I hide myself in Tyler's room and sobbed. After a good cry I felt better, though it was only 10:30 in the morning.

However the rest of the day went a little smoother. I got some home projects done so that made me feel good about myself. I just keep telling myself i only need to make it through the next two years and then the girls should get least that's what I tell myself.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Nothing makes you feel worse about your body than a PLASTIC SURGEON!

Dear Readers,.
So every since the girls were born I've known that a tummy tuck was most defiantly in the cards for me! Nothing does a number on your body than carrying twins to 37 weeks that weigh over 7lbs each. Needless to say I have finally hit the point where I am sick of looking at my stomach. I won't go into the horrific details but trust me it's not pretty.

So today I had my second consult with a Dr to get thing's put back together. As I stood in my underwear exposing my ugly "secret", the Dr. tugged, pulled and 'slapped" my extra skin I never felt more ugly!! I mean, I know it doesn't look pretty, but oh my gosh after that appt. I KNOW it's not pretty!

The Dr. was great in making me feel like it wasn't as bad as I thought but listen I'm not blind and neither is he. Now I just have to see one more guy and decide who is going to "slice me open' during Christmas break.

I'm so thankful for my children and I'm SO thankful to live in a time where "broken" body parts can be fixed!

ps. for those of you who will judge me for plastic surgery, All I have to saw is ...don't judge until you've lived in a twins mom's stomach!!!!

P.S I've got IMPLANTS too!!! hahahah


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween is what's with all the BLOOD!

Okay, so I knew if I waited long enough today I would have a topic. It can with a bang tonight while I was busy fixing dinner. The twins fight ALL the time. In fact I've started letting them "duke' it out because I can't be there for every argument. So when I hear screams I wait to see how long they are going to last. If the screams get louder I help out but most of the time they are fighting over a toy and work it out themselves. Or the stronger one wins!

Well tonight as I was hurrying to make dinner, pick up the house before hubby got home, and get Tyler ready for football I heard a scream from Maire. I was not alarmed as this was about the fifth scream I had heard in the span of like 15 mins. That was until Tyler came running into the kitchen saying that Maire was bleeding. So I calmly walked into the playroom figuring that she had a busted lip. (McKenzie bit right through her lip two night ago and bled everywhere).

As I started to serve the damaged I noticed that Maire was laying face down in a pretty good size puddle of blood. I picked her up , looked at her lip and noticed that it was actually her nose that was bleeding. Well you know how hard and long those can bleed and trying to get a two year old to let her hold her nose is just...well mission impossible! As i tried to hold my screaming child down she snorted and sprayed blood into my face and all over my CUTE, NEW WHITE SHIRT! Why I buy white is a whole other problem! Once I was able to calm her there was a knock at the door which I ignored because as I glanced into the mirror I realized that I looked like I belonged in a horror movie!

Needless to say it's only 6 pm and I am sooo DONE! Can't wait until girls bed time!!!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween was a SCREAM!

Dear Reader,

Miss that last couple of day's due to illness. It must be fall, because it seems during this time I'm sick every other week!!!

Halloween was a very fun night. We had a few friends and family over which made it that much better. All the kids looked great dressed up. Of course my girls wanted their costumes off like five minutes after I put them on. I guess they were just not feeling it!

Tyler's costume (which I made) look great for about ten minutes but once he started running around the seams started to pop! So in desperation I stapled the seams shut. You know it actually worked really well. Forget the whole sewing thing! I'll just staple clothing together!!Hahaha

Trick-0r-Treat went very slowly with so many little kids. In fact we only made it around the block before everyone was pooped! Poor Maire had a melt down earlier in the evening and went to bed. I thought about waking her up for trick-or-treating but decided to let her sleep. She slept the whole night so i think I made the right decision.

I can't believe Halloween is over! I wait all year for this one special, scary, and fun night! Now that my decorations are down I've got to start thinking about Thanksgiving. Ummmm, can't we just do Halloween again?
