Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon Madness!!!

Dear Readers,

My husband bought tickets for New Moon at 12 am this morning! My friends had been trying to get me to buy tickets for awhile but I'm really not an opening night person. I like waiting a week or so and then seeing a movie when it's not so crazy. However, my good friend Jen and I got "roped" into seeing a 9pm showing of Twilight and then the 12 am showing of New Moon with our husbands. Crazy I know!!! We were so tired by the time New Moon rolled around. Jen almost went home since she had to show up to work the next morning for a 8 hr shift as a nurse. Aaron kept on insisting she stay, i said I'd probably go home if I was her but she was a trooper and stayed. Also funny story, when she went to the restroom the women's bathroom was so full the women were going into the men's...with the MEN IN THEM!! The poor men used the urinals while the women used the stalls. She said the men were trying to "cover' their "family jewels" while they went to the bathroom. Hilarious!

As many of you know the movie was great. Even though the book was sooooo much better. I'm glad it finally opened I can stop hearing about twilight, new moon, Rob and Kristen etc soo much. We of course had some crazy fans in the theatre with us. I love those books just as much as anybody else....but (sorry if I offend some) let's get a grip Mom's!!! Sometimes those deep crazy feelings for actors and a movie need to be kept.....well deep!!! That's what dreams are for. We don't need to let the world know that we've lost our minds!!!

One embarrassing moment at dinner. I wore an Edward shirt that my mother bought me. I figured this was the time to wear it. but I did hide it a little with a sweater, though his head was "peeking out". Anyways I ran into a little girl...well probably thirteen with the same shirt!!! I wanted to just die!!!!


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