Wednesday, November 18, 2009

When there's love at home???

Dear Readers,
This afternoon I heard Tyler yelling at one of the girls to stop doing something and it gave me a moment of pause. Is he yelling because I do??? I don't see myself as a yeller in the home but i know I raise my voice. It got me thinking of how i can discipline with love and not anger. This is something I have not mastered and ....frankly don't know if I ever will.

But I'm really going to start trying. I want my crazy, chaodic home to be full of peace! I know with the kids that i have, and my crazy husband that I am hoping for a lot ...but here's to dreams!!!



  1. I have noticed the same thing in my home. Christopher will say things to Luke that I say to him. Some are nice....others could be better:) The fact that we have the desire to do better is key. If we didn't care and just went with status quo, then I would be nervous.

  2. Kristen you are doing a great job of not screaming at your kids. I feel i was a screamer and look how well adjusted all you guys turn out!Ha, Ha
