Friday, October 30, 2009

Oak Glen Bites the Dust...

Okay for the second year in a row we have taken the trek out to Oak Glen with the Child's for Apple picking and for the SECOND time in a row we have missed the "picking season"! Last year we had a lovely picnic but hung out so long that the orchard's closed. This year we decided to forgo the picnic and head right to the orchard. However, the traffic out there was so bad that we didn't get to the orchard until closing time. But in the end that didn't end up mattering because this year the picking season ended earlier due to a small crop!

Ugh! So with the kids going crazy from being in the car for two hours we headed to the little village that we went to last year to walk around the shops and get some dinner. To our horror all the shops closed down promptly at five! And you guessed it....we got there at five! We let the children run around for a little bit chasing pea cots, each other and discovering a dying rat (probably from poison).

We hoped to have a great dinner so that the trip would not be a total bust. The little diner that was in the village seemed promising. I love old diner's. They have the best comfort food. Boy did we strike out on this one! My food and Aaron's food was good but poor Bryan and Cheri got jipped big time! Cheri couldn't' even eat her meal, (it was that bad) so she quickly threw some in the trash so that the waitress wouldn't feel bad. Bryan grinned and bared it as he ate almost every last bite (there you go Bry, you made it into the blog! Now no more crying !J/K)

After dinner , Cheri needed heartburn meds and I needed a Valium from chasing the girls around. They never stop!!! Honestly I should be a lot skinnier than I am!

So will the Child's and Hoke's try Oak Glen next year....well just have to see... maybe we can find someone with a local apple tree and then go out for apple pie at Polly's pies!!!


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