Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thank heavens for 30 day money back guarantee

Remember when I said that I LOVED my body??? Well I do....but I've decided that I will REALLY love it if I'm ten pounds lighter :) . I know , I know, I've succumbed to the "world's view" of an attractive body! I can't help it! I don't want to be a size zero but I do want to get rid of that stinking stomach pooch!

Anyways, on my quest for a quick way to lose the pounds...I ordered nutrisystem. We've all seen the commericals! I've even checked it out on the Internet over five times, but in the end always decide against it because of the program being so costly.

Well, this time I gave in and ordered the food. As I waited for the package to arrive my excitement over the possible lost pounds grew. Then on afternoon the package landed on my doorstep. I hurriedly dragged it into the house and ripped open the box with a knife. There was a ton of food! I excitedly looked over everything but by the time i was done I had some concerns.
First of all the portions are extremely small! I know you have to add your own fruits and veggies to the side, so I wasn't too worried.

For that days lunch I picked out a pasta. It was only about a cup of food but i was determined to make it work. I boiled the water and poured it over the dry noodles and waiting for them to soften. Once the pasta was ready I took a big bite! All I can say is "YUCK"! It was so tasteless! sipping chicken broth would have tasted better! As disappointment rushed over me, I decided to try one of the snacks. The "cheese Puff's weren't that bad, but I knew there was no way I was going to make it on this diet with the tasteless food.

I feared that I had just wasted a good amount of money. So this morning I hopped on the Internet and was so relieved to find that Nurti-system has a money back guarantee!!! Yeah!! Needless to say the package is going back tomorrow and um....well I'm just going to have to exercises more and watch what I eat!!! :) If it only was really that simple!!



  1. Gald i read the your blog, you just saved me some money! I must admit the "Jenny" food is really good, maybe you should try that! I dont know why it say's this response is from Erica, this is your mom writting

  2. hahah iknow i was just reading it and was like i really dont remember writing this. this sounds more like sonia! hahah
