Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Finals...Guns...Oh My!!

Dear Readers,

The girls have been very whinny the last few days and today I almost lost my mind!! Sometimes it's just so hard to keep patient when someone needs you attention all the time. On days like these I do a lot of deep breathing!

I was able to get some Christmas wrapping done! Which made me feel good. Also I am making some homemade gifts for the first time this year and though I was dreading it at first, I found I really enjoyed myself. I've been busy tonight trying to study for my Shakespeare final this week. Can't wait for this class to be over and done with. I'm sick of trying to figure out what the heck the characters are saying!

Aaron and i have talked for over a year about getting a handgun for home protection. Both of his father's have one and some friends of ours as well. I was against guns in the home for a long time but with certain things happening to us in the past year and with Aaron gone a lot I'm now all for it. I don't ever want to feel unprotected again. It was a funny thing to walk into a gun store and ask for help with picking out a gun. Thanks to Fred who was very helpful and even let me "shoot" a few different guns. It was very surreal. Now all I have to do is study for a gun safety test, pass, pick out a gun (after i try some out at a shooting range) and wait ten days for the gun to be in my possession. I can't wait to learn how to actually use one properly!! It will defiantly make me feel better at night. Now when someone tries to break into our home we won't have to use our sword again!!!!


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