Wednesday, May 2, 2012

motherhood/versus girlhood dreams


Today for the first moment ever I had the overwhelming feeling that i'm not going to be able to accomplish anything for myself because i'm a mother!!! Crazy...i know...and sad to that i felt this way for a few minutes but after the moment passed I realized that other women have felt this way too. All  i ever wanted to do was be a mother...and its the best thing i've done. It is stretching me in ways i never thought possible! i love those moments of snuggling with my kids and hearing them laugh..but then i have those moments of, gosh i wish i had more time to craft, more time to read, more time to write, more accomplish all the silly dreams that run through my head. In fact as i write this its hard to concerntrate because my four year old is talking!! Haha. Never a moment alone to even think ...but that's okay..she wants to read a book with i don't get to read or write for myself ..but i will foster the love for those thing in them until they start school and then you better believe i'm doing all those things for least until they come home!Ha

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