Wednesday, July 21, 2010

potty training is for the BIRDS!!!

Dear Readers,

So the thing about twins is that even though they were born at the same time, they learn to do things at different times. For awhile it was Syd who did things first. She held her head up first, crawled first and walked first. Paige just seemed to be content with letting her "older sister" do things first. However, now things has switched gears as Paige has been potty trained for months now and Syd could careless about sitting in a pile of poop!!! I've tried talking to her, reasoning with her, though that's a hard thing to do with a three year old. When I tell her how yucky it is to sit in poop she just laughs at me!

I'm not at all worried that she isn't going to get it, i"m just so sick of diapers!!! I wish she would hurry it up, but i also am careful not to push her as I now that could be a disaster! But oh i wish she would just get a little spark of competition and want to be like her sister. :)


1 comment:

  1. I hear you! Changing poopy diapers when they are older is no fun. It looks like she is really close though, and it is more of a control issue. Maybe try some major bribery? You aren't alone though. Lots of kids have a hard time with #2.
